Technical Assistance in How to Mobilize Resources
One of the important challenges facing any community based or nongovernmental organization is how to keep the good work of the organization going. How can such an organization attract a broad base of support to sustain itself? Where can it go to get technical assistance on how to diversify its sources of support? The following Websites offer online and other technical assistance on resource mobilization methods:
About Nonprofit Charitable Organizations
About contains information on a broad range of topics
related to operating an NGO. The site contains
information on how to do Web-based fundraising, staff
training, donor information, management information,
public relations, technology, and managing volunteers.
The Chronicle of Philanthropy
The Chronicle is a biweekly newspaper with extensive
coverage on fundraising, technical assistance, and issues
facing NGOs from a U.S. perspective.
Civicus conducts several programs on resource
mobilization and corporate philanthropy. It also
maintains a database on organizations that work to
strengthen and grow civil society organizations
The Foundation Center
The FC's Website contains a broad array of fundraising
information, including donor directories, an online
librarian to answer questions, proposal writing guides,
valuable tips on fundraising, downloadable common
grant applications forms from specific donors, training
and seminar directories, and a guide to libraries housing
the FC's directories. You can also subscribe to their
weekly email newsletter entitled "Philanthropy News
Digest." Just email to the following address:
SUBSCRIBE PND-L your name in the text.
InnoNet's mission is to build the skills, knowledge, and
processes within public and nonprofit organizations to
improve their overall organizational learning and
The International Training and Consulting Institute
The ITCI is a unit of the International Youth Foundation
that provides technical assistance and training worldwide
to help NGOs diversify their revenue streams and sustain
Internet Prospector:
The IP provides "donor prospectors" with numerous tips
on how to conduct funding research on the Web. It
contains numerous links to other useful sources of
information on donors, both domestic and international.
The IP also publishes a monthly online newsletter that
contains a section on international prospect research.
A listserve for discussion of issues related to
international fundraising. To subscribe, mail to: [note: this is a numeral '1,' not a
letter 'l'] in the body of the message, type: subscribe
National Center for Nonprofit Boards
Besides offering technical assistance to NGOs seeking to
engage their boards in fundraising, NCNB also offers
numerous linkages to other organizations providing
technical assistance in fundraising.
Philanthropy Journal .
This Website provides hyperlinks to other foundation
homepages. You can subscribe to a free email weekly
fundraising newsletter entitled "Philanthropy Journal
Alert" from the publishers of "Philanthropy Journal."
Send your email address to
Philanthropy Search
Sponsored by the US-Based National Society for
Fundraising Executives, this portal serves as a gateway to
the online world of philanthropy and nonprofits. Very
useful is the Website's "speed search" functions in which
one either clicks on a category related to donors or types
in a word search for information on a specific fundraising
Synergos Institute
The Synergos Institute maintains a knowledge base on
mobilizing resources and support that includes
suggestions on formulating strategies to mobilize
resources, building endowments, raising resources from
international foundations, fundraising from individuals
and the public, creating a financial bridge to the private
sector, working with Official Development Assistance
Agencies, and generating earned income.
UK Fundraising
This site is an electronic fundraising resource for UK and
European non-profit grant seekers.
The complete document published by the World Bank can be found at the following site:
Resources for Mobilizing Funding for Development Projects