Saturday, May 07, 2005

U.S. DOCTORS FOR AFRICA Targets Healthcare

U.S. DOCTORS FOR AFRICA (USDFA) may not be well known among advocates for Africa on the East Coast of the United States, but they are getting a lot of attention in California and are having a great impact among Africans on the Continent.

In their Mission Statement USDFA says that among other projects they “focus on HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases affecting Africa, addressing urgent local needs with manpower while working long-term for the creation of self-sustaining and self-directed public heath systems continent-wide.” They accomplish their mission by delivering “multi-disciplinary teams of healthcare professionals and advanced medical technology to those regions most affected by disease.”

Founded by Ted M. Alemayhu, an Ethiopian born physician in California and the current CEO, this 501(c)(3) organization has partnered with such diverse Non-Profit Organizations as:

The William J. Clinton Foundation
Mercy Airlift International
America Women’s Baseball League [which held a 24 hour baseball marathon for fundraising],
as well as with various other non-profits organizations, African nations, communities and hospitals.

In March of 2005 “US Docs” as it is affectionately called by many of its volunteers, in conjunction with the William J. Clinton Foundation’s HIV/AIDS Initiative, launched a pilot program to support the implementation of Tanzania’s National Care and Treatment Plan 2003-2008. This plan seeks to provide care for 1.2 million patients over five years. During this program approximately 400,000 people are expected to receive antiretroviral medication (ARVs). Additionally, treatment and monitoring will be provided for HIV-positive persons not clinically eligible for highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART).

If you have an interest in combating HIV/AIDS, it might be a good idea to learn more about U.S. Doctors For Africa at their web site.

U.S. Doctors For Africa

And if you are interested, the other non-profits mentioned in this article can be found at:

The William J. Clinton Foundation
Mercy Airlift International
America Women’s Baseball League

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