Monday, March 27, 2006


Almost a year ago I wrote about AFRICA NOW and the great things that they are doing. "AFRICA NOW Is About Business."

Today, I just want to take a few moments of your time and point to one of their currents projects: "Promotion of Rural Technology, Kenya" (PORT). And rather than give a long discourse, I am just going to quote Africa Now in what it says about PORT.

"Western Kenya as an economic region is characterised by isolation from urban markets, high outwards work-migration and insecure cash incomes from cotton, fishing, and sugar. Communities have limited access to available technology options, and to information about their strengths and weaknesses. A past record of poor purchasing decisions has reinforced risk-averse behaviour and suspicion of technology.

"Africa Now's Promotion of Rural Technology (PORT) project promotes better purchasing decisions by entrepreneurs through increasing product-knowledge and product-availability of income-generating and/or resource-saving technologies in rural areas of western Kenya.

"In partnership with the Intermediate Technology Development Group now (Practical Action), this project increases the availability of appropriate technology in rural Kenya.

"Working with rural hardware stores, Africa Now established a system whereby hardware stores were provided with demonstration models of products ranging from farming equipment to battery chargers to solar panels to popcorn making machines. Farmers and rural businesses benefited from the service as they could make informed purchases, manufacturers benefited from increased interest in their products, and hardware stores benefited from a growth in trade."

There are projects being initiated and maintained in many parts of Africa, perhaps you can find a way to help this one.

Promotion of Rural Technology, Kenya


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